Remember to prioritize taking breaks

Recognize your limitations while competing. Regardless of the outcome, your body and mind will inevitably require periods of rest. Allocate short intervals between games to allow your brain and body to recuperate from the stresses of gaming.

Engaging in a rejuvenating walk is highly recommended. It will invigorate you and uplift your mood. Returning to the game after a well-deserved break will leave you feeling refreshed. Never underestimate the benefits of sleep. It activates vital recovery processes within your body, which require sufficient time to yield optimal results. Ensure you get an ample amount of sleep to wake up feeling revitalized the following day.

Additionally, maintain perspective and remember that this is merely a game. Avoid taking it too seriously and squandering your nerves due to inadequate rest. Your enjoyment of the game and likelihood of success are heightened when you’re brimming with energy.